Electronic Overloads

Electronic overloads sense the load current and the heating effect on the motor is computed.  If an
overload condition exists, the sensing circuit interrupts the power circuit.

C The tripping current can be adjusted to suit the particular application.

C Electronic overloads often perform additional protective functions such as ground fault and

phase loss protection.


Fuses have limited application as the primary means of overload protection for motors but can be
effectively used to provide back up overload protection.

Single-element fuses are not designed to provide overload protection.

C Their basic function is to protect against short circuits and ground faults.

C If sized to provide overload protection, they would blow when the motor starts due to high

motor inrush current.

Dual-element fuses can provide motor overload protection, but they have to be replaced

when they blow which can be a disadvantage.

There is a risk of single-phasing damage to the motor when only one fuse blows unless

single-phase protection is provided.