Learning to Hate Physics?

When you read a mystery novel, you know in advance what structure

to expect: a crime, some detective work, and  nally the unmasking
of the evildoer. Likewise when Charlie Parker plays a blues, your ear
expects to hear certain landmarks of the form regardless of how wild
some of his notes are. Surveys of physics students usually show that
they have worse attitudes about the subject after instruction than
before, and their comments often boil down to a complaint that the
person who strung the topics together had not learned what Agatha
Christie and Charlie Parker knew intuitively about form and struc-
ture: students become bored and demoralized because the “march
through the topics” lacks a coherent story line. You are reading the
 rst volume of the Light and Matter series of introductory physics
textbooks, and as implied by its title, the story line of the series
is built around light and matter: how they behave, how they are

di erent from each other, and, at the end of the story, how they
turn out to be similar in some very bizarre ways. Here is a guide to
the structure of the one-year course presented in this series:

1 Newtonian Physics Matter moves at constant speed in a

straight line unless a force acts on it. (This seems intuitively wrong
only because we tend to forget the role of friction forces.) Material
objects can exert forces on each other, each changing the other’s
motion. A more massive object changes its motion more slowly in
response to a given force.

2 Conservation Laws Newton’s matter-and-forces picture of

the universe is  ne as far as it goes, but it doesn’t apply to light,
which is a form of pure energy without mass. A more powerful
world-view, applying equally well to both light and matter, is pro-
vided by the conservation laws, for instance the law of conservation
of energy, which states that energy can never be destroyed or created
but only changed from one form into another.

3 Vibrations and Waves Light is a wave. We learn how waves

travel through space, pass through each other, speed up, slow down,
and are re ected.

4 Electricity and Magnetism Matter is made out of particles

such as electrons and protons, which are held together by electrical
forces. Light is a wave that is made out of patterns of electric and
magnetic force.

5 Optics Devices such as eyeglasses and searchlights use matter

(lenses and mirrors) to manipulate light.

6 The Modern Revolution in Physics Until the twentieth

century, physicists thought that matter was made out of particles
and light was purely a wave phenomenon. We now know that both
light and matter are made of building blocks with a combination of
particle and wave properties. In the process of understanding this
apparent contradiction, we  nd that the universe is a much stranger
place than Newton had ever imagined, and also learn the basis for
such devices as lasers and computer chips.