How To Learn Physics

For as knowledges are now delivered, there is a kind of con-
tract of error between the deliverer and the receiver; for he
that delivereth knowledge desireth to deliver it in such a form
as may be best believed, and not as may be best examined;
and he that receiveth knowledge desireth rather present sat-
isfaction than expectant inquiry.

 Francis Bacon

Many students approach a science course with the idea that they

can succeed by memorizing the formulas, so that when a problem

Section 0.3 How To Learn Physics 25

is assigned on the homework or an exam, they will be able to plug
numbers in to the formula and get a numerical result on their cal-
culator. Wrong! That’s not what learning science is about! There
is a big di erence between memorizing formulas and understanding
concepts. To start with, di erent formulas may apply in di erent
situations. One equation might represent a de nition, which is al-
ways true. Another might be a very speci c equation for the speed
of an object sliding down an inclined plane, which would not be true
if the object was a rock drifting down to the bottom of the ocean.
If you don’t work to understand physics on a conceptual level, you
won’t know which formulas can be used when.

Most students taking college science courses for the  rst time

also have very little experience with interpreting the meaning of an
equation. Consider the equation w = A/h relating the width of a
rectangle to its height and area. A student who has not developed
skill at interpretation might view this as yet another equation to
memorize and plug in to when needed. A slightly more savvy stu-
dent might realize that it is simply the familiar formula A = wh

in a di erent form. When asked whether a rectangle would have
a greater or smaller width than another with the same area but
a smaller height, the unsophisticated student might be at a loss,
not having any numbers to plug in on a calculator. The more ex-
perienced student would know how to reason about an equation
involving division — if h is smaller, and A stays the same, then w

must be bigger. Often, students fail to recognize a sequence of equa-
tions as a derivation leading to a  nal result, so they think all the
intermediate steps are equally important formulas that they should

When learning any subject at all, it is important to become as

actively involved as possible, rather than trying to read through
all the information quickly without thinking about it. It is a good
idea to read and think about the questions posed at the end of each
section of these notes as you encounter them, so that you know you
have understood what you were reading.

Many students’ di culties in physics boil down mainly to di -

culties with math. Suppose you feel con dent that you have enough
mathematical preparation to succeed in this course, but you are
having trouble with a few speci c things. In some areas, the brief
review given in this chapter may be su cient, but in other areas
it probably will not. Once you identify the areas of math in which
you are having problems, get help in those areas. Don’t limp along
through the whole course with a vague feeling of dread about some-
thing like scienti c notation. The problem will not go away if you
ignore it. The same applies to essential mathematical skills that you
are learning in this course for the  rst time, such as vector addition.

Sometimes students tell me they keep trying to understand a

26 Chapter 0 Introduction and Review

certain topic in the book, and it just doesn’t make sense. The worst
thing you can possibly do in that situation is to keep on staring
at the same page. Every textbook explains certain things badly —
even mine! — so the best thing to do in this situation is to look
at a di erent book. Instead of college textbooks aimed at the same
mathematical level as the course you’re taking, you may in some
cases  nd that high school books or books at a lower math level
give clearer explanations.

Finally, when reviewing for an exam, don’t simply read back

over the text and your lecture notes. Instead, try to use an active
method of reviewing, for instance by discussing some of the discus-
sion questions with another student, or doing homework problems
you hadn’t done the  rst time.